Monday, May 31, 2004


Today was "Family Day" in town. Basically, there's a parade, and then some activies up at the rec fields for the kids and stuff. Up by the Civic Centre there was a marimba band. They made 6 marimbas themselves, and they play them which is cool. If you've ever heard Nagoya Marimba by Steve Reich (which I doubt you have) it's kinda like that. So I spent an hour or so listening to them, and then I checked out Qualicum Idol. Woot. Yeah, it got pretty hard to listen to them after a while. I really don't know how someone can listen to cheesy pop tunes being sung badly for a good 2 hours. Some of the kids were good, there were a couple of good old jazz tunes (think Ella Fitzgerald and Sinatra) but the majority...well I don't know how they made it to the finals.

I saw Ms.Lo in QF when I was buying some asparagus for dinner. She's still proud that I got up and went for dinner with her instead of waiting with "the diva's who said they could wait their turn". Lol she's great.

I ended up going to visit my Opa in the hospital yesterday with Oma, Oma Truce, and Tante Franz. That was cool. Oma Truce and Franz only know a little english, so they were speaking in dutch to my mom, who was attempting to speak dutch back and then translating for me. It was pretty funny, but a little awkward. My Opa's doing pretty good. They're just running some more tests and stuff before he's allowed to come home.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

The grad-staff banquet was last night. That was fun. I was at Manson's table, so that was cool. I knew 1 or 2 people at my table besides Manson and Ms.Lo. The rest of 'em where girls in sewing. It was not easy sitting there talking about dresses with 8 girls. Scott made a movie about "the grad class". It was pretty well done, except several baby pictures including mine and Crystal's were left out, and names were spelled wrong...And some people were pretty much left out of the movie. Oh, and there was a couple minutes of footage from someone's party. I thought that it was a little inappropriate having 3-5 minutes of drunken grads in the movie when it really had alot of nothing to do with graduating.

After that was over, Crystal, Courtenay, Burnie and I went to see Shrek 2. Good movie. It's got a heck of a lot of innuendo and more implied humour than the first one. It's great.

My Opa's in the hospital right now. He's doing okay, but he was having stroke symptoms again so he's been there for a couple days. My great aunt and uncle are over from Holland right now too. I don't think I've met these ones before, so we're going over there sometime soon to go visit them. It'd be cool if they speak some english. My mom, Oma and Opa can all speak dutch, so it's kinda weird not understanding what they're saying. It'll be fun.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Tread Softly, You're Walking On My Dreams

I saw Equilibrium last night. It's a fantastic movie. It's better if you've read 1984 and Brave New World. They ripped off quite a few of the main points from them. The T symbol, the emotion-numbing substances (Soma in BNW), the thought-police, the screens that brainwash people everywhere (1984)...Oh it's just gold. It's got some of the Matrix action like the scene in the first movie (I think) in the government office lobby, and the insane use of weapons. I hear it's also kind of like Minority Report in the sense that it's futuristic with "sense-offenders" and not in the fact that Minortiy Report sucked (or so I hear). Thanks to Jason for letting me know about it.

I like the whole Sci-Fi movie thing. At the movie store in town, they have a whole section dedicated to sci-fi, which is wicked. It makes it easier to find good movies. Which is nice.

Thursday, May 27, 2004


Mood: geeky

Heh heh heh. Moo.

Go team L337. We did this Trivial Pursuit game at lunch with Honour's Society. Some people made a big game board and a massive dice, and we had a bunch of different versions of TP. Then other people placed bets on us, and if we got a "pie" question wrong, we got pied in the face. If we got it right, they got a prize. Team L337 (Steve, Burnie and I) ended up with all the hard questions. [Where are 47 Csars buried? (Moscow) Who was Sitting Bull's right hand man? (Crazy Horse)]The other team got easy ones [Who is Bruce Wayne's alter-ego? (Batman) How many sides are on a cube? (6, and having the BIG dice there was a BIG give away)] But when they break out the Star Wars Edition, Steve'll kick some ass for our team. Which'll be good cause we're down by a good 38 points or so.

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:A can of mace
Your Favorite Target:Europeans
Your Kill Count:1,185,343,166
Your Battle Cry:"Moo!"
Years You Spend in Jail:7
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$183,952,770,481,322
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 44%
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Extreme
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Moderate

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

So there you have it. I'm a horrible person. Lol. And I enjoy every minute of it. Take it and post your results.

Hee-hee. 3 people I'm not a fan of are on the other side of the country. I know this shouldn't make me this happy, does. Wheeeee!

On the other hand, my mom has limited my computer time to 30 minutes a day. 30 FUCKING minutes. That's barely enough time to play one thingy in mech 2, let alone check email and post on here. Hence, I've been updating during my spare. The other spare is spent helping a friend learn some math stuff for the exam in about a month.

Something that amuses me due to how realistic it actually is...
"I am always amazed at people who can walk in a stall, pull down their pants, do their business and walk out in two minutes flat, like it’s a competition. Men are so weirdly competitive. We can make a contest out of anything. Peeing contests, farting contests, masturbating contests. Name a bodily function, some 17 year-old is out there challenging his buds:

"I betcha I can out-shit you"
"No way, man"
"I win, sucka, woo-hoo! Check it out man, it stinks worse than yours!"
"Yeah dude, that is huuugge!"
(high fives all around) "

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The kinkiest combination of purchases ever.

So I went to Vancouver this weekend with my family. I ended up spending Saturday with my aunt. We went shopping for shoes for my prom. We found a couple pairs of shoes that would be perfect, but due to the rather large proportions of my feet, there were none to be found in my size. I ended up finding a pair of really cute shoes and they fit, so life is good. We stumbled upon a sale at La Vie En Rose, (buy one set get the second free) and I needed a strapless bra for prom anyways, so I spent a good $70 in there. Then of course my aunt prodded me into getting the matching underwear. But no, I couldn't buy the UNDERWEAR that covers my ass from the world, I had to get the thong because "if it's going to go up your ass anyways you may as well get that one". Then we went into Claire's. That's where the feather boa comes in. It's black and has real feathers on it. My aunt saw it and said "Would you?", to which I replied " Hell yeah!". Hence, I have a feather boa to go with my prom dealy-stuff. Heh. Underwear, shoes, and a feather boa. My aunt is insane.

Sunday I spent with my grandparents and my great-aunt and uncle. We took the ferry home that evening. That was fun. BC Ferries now has a "summer entertainment" program. So there was a guy from Brazil playing guitar. He was pretty damn good.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Pyromaniacs or Religious Nuts?

This reminds of french the other day, when Laura was going off about some chair "the devil had possessed" so she and her parents burnt it. Heh heh heh.

Thursday, May 20, 2004


Mood: buzzed

There's an article on MSN today about this guy who only ate McDonalds food for 30 days. It's rather interesting what it did to his body. He apparently ate a total of 30 pounds of sugar and 12 pounds of fat. It's rather disgusting.

Band went rather interestingly yesterday. Me and Crystal went to the meeting but apparently it was cancelled being that Pam wasn't there. So, we went shopping and found some interesting underwear Crystal ended up purchasing. Then we picked out a corsage for her, and got some Subway for dinner and Dairy Queen for dessert. We were eating our food on the lawn of the school when the sprinklers came on. Lol that was rather unexpected. The concert started at 7 or whatever, and that went okay. I fucked up alot, but it's okay. Oh and we ended up playing Wedding Dance. Alas the marimba was not on stage. It sounds like ick played on vibraphone. Oh well. I had fun. That's all that matters. And I didn't trip. Woot. Choir went well. I rather enjoyed singing.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Your Sparkling Spot Hasn't Caught On

My mind is fucked over. I can't think straight and I think it's because I haven't been using it lately. Why the fuck can't I just think a certain way? How can my mind just fuck me over when everything's going great? FFUUCCCKK!!!!*insert frustration*

My last band concert ever is tomorrow night. Do I know my music? Meh. Do I care? Meh. Am I glad it's over? To some extent. I'm going to miss the challenge to do something difficult, and I'm going to miss performing. And the teachers. I'm going to miss them alot. But I won't miss 98% of the people. I won't miss their annoying whiny voices, and stupid complaints about fucking everything. Wheee.

Most of them are leaving on the band trip next Wednesday. I'm looking forward to a week without certain individuals I really can't stand right now. That means the twat, the whore and the one I want to shoot are leaving. yay!:D

I took apart a cd drive today. Like, completely apart. I wanted to see what it looked like, and ended up taking it apart the whole way. I'm agoing to hang some of it on my bulletin board in my room. :D Wheeee. It's such a pretty colour of green.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Ah, the importance of looking into Post-Sec Ed.

So I was doing some CAPP work I hadn't actually done yet today. I looked into how much my first two years at Malaspina would cost. Tuition and student fees alone comes to about $10500 for those two years. Plus the $30 application fee, food, housing, internet...Enter panic. I don't want to end up in debt, but as far as I know, this is the only way I'm going to actually get where I want to. Unless I go the other route and work my way up, but that can be alot of work, and I don't think I'll get as much as a rounded edumacation. On the other hand...I'm not sure. I have a couple months to hash this out though, so...whee.

On a lighter note....the movie playing on the "Deja Vu" Channel is "It Seems Like Yesterday." Hahahahaha.

I was taking apart my old cd drive this evening. There's something rattling away, and I figured I may as well take it apart and see if there's anything I can do for it. If not, I'll have a LED light to play with. Heeheehee...Oh the possibilities...

Monday, May 17, 2004

"It better not be a fucking Samsquantch. I fucking hate those bastards"

I love Bubbles. He's one of my favourite characters on Trailer Park Boys. He's just great. In the most recent episode ("If you love something, set it free")he finds a cougar eating their weed crop. He befriends the cougar, naming it "Steve French" and trying to wean it off of weed. It's so fantastic. He figures it's just like a little kitty inside. Then Steve French steals Randy's Viagra-laden cheeseburgers and attacks Trevor, mistaking his leopard print coat for a real cougar, and Trevor loses his pants. It's gold. Eventually Bubbles realises that "if you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's your forever, but if it doesn't, it was never yours to begin with." So he sets it free and him and Ricky end up crying because it's sad. But hey, Steve French ends up hooking up with another cougar chick. And he had a sweet duct tape collar.

I saw a beautiful wedding dress at work today. There were some newlyweds in for the night, and we saw her dress on her way out. It was so pretty. She had hoops made of 1930's telephone wire for underneath, and she and her mom made and designed it themselves. It was soooo nice.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

MechWarrior 2 Owns

So yesterday evening I installed a CDROM in my computer that I got from Steve at school. Whee that was fun. It involved alot of guesswork on my half, but it works, and I didn't break anything. I *had* to install MechWarrior 2, and I played that for a good 2 or 3 hours. :D I had fun. Then I decided to dust out the inside of my computer because it was pretty sickeningly dusty. Forget regular bunnies, these were bunnies on some wicked steroids.

Today I spent a while on the phone with some guy from Shaw getting our internet back up and running. Turns out the email we got was a hoax, so we just reconfigured the IP addy and it was all swell. Then me and Matt biked uptown, got some Monster and a load of bulk candy from QF.

I started to clean my room. I have to have it sparklingly clean before I leave, so that could be interesting. I've found social tests from Grade 9 in there recently. I keep everything. It's like an instinct I have. I might need it later, I should keep it. Hence, I find it a bit difficult to throw out alot of the stuff I have in my room. I don't think I'm ever going to need it, but some of it has emotional ties, and I don't just want to throw most of it away.

Friday, May 14, 2004

So there's this dance at school tonight. I've decided not to go on a basis of several reasons:
1)Why waste $4 to listen to crappy music?
2)Why spend 4 hours of my time dancing with people I don't enjoy being around when I can spend the evening with people whose company I enjoy?
3)I've had enough of the grade nines' behavior at the dances. Whatever they do in their spare time is fine by me, but I don't want to see their grind trains. Ew.
4)I'm lazy.
5)Trailer Park Boys is on.

So there you have it. I enjoy my Thursday nights nasty-grade-nine-free. Whee. I'm off to walk home with the Steve and meet up with Riley and Brendan.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Look at me! I'm a whiny bitch.

Mood: disappointed
So apparently our grad song is Eve 6, Here's to the Night. *sigh*. It's a little too depressing for me. I voted for Green Day, Waiting. It's a better song. Don't get me started. I need to stop bitching and whining about stupid things. I'm sure it pisses people off. I whine alot in french, and I'm sure it's annoying. I'm trying. I get to play bass though :) That'll be fun. Hopefully no stupid annoying people I don't like are playing in the thing too. That would not be fun. I'm not exactly sure about the democratic-ness of the grad council either. I've heard some stories about the prom theme thing being a "hey we don't like that theme. let's go with this other one and let's just fuck democracy up the ass". Grrrr. It's not that I don't like the prom theme, I voted for the one we ended up with in the end but FUCK. I don't know. I'm being a whiny bitch again. I'm shutting up.

Miksi nauratte? Onko suomenkieleni niin kehnoa?

Mood: energetic

So I just finished a letter to Jannika. In finnish. Lol. I'm pretty sure it was fairly bad finnish, but hey, I tried. It's not like I tried to convey anything really important. Although hey, I could have said something bad. That's why I put "Miksi nauratte? Onko suomenkieleni niin kehnoa?" in the subject line. Lol. "Why are you laughing? Is my finnish really that bad?". Tee-hee-hee...

I spent a couple of hours last night playing Turboscience. I miss the internet so much. Steve offered me a CDROM drive because mine broke a while back. It knows there's a cd in there, but it won't read it. It asks if you want to format it, and then doesn't do anything after that. So if that works out, I can play some better games than the Turboscience I've become addicted to. It's a science game for 8 year olds. But hey, I'm doing pretty good. There are some hard questions. It's got a bunch of physics questions and stuff that I haven't learned since grades nine and ten. It's a DOS game on 3 floppy disks. Wheeee. I found some other cool looking games too. Mechwarrior 2 and Starflight 2(89-esque). SF2 is DOS based and Mech 2 is windows 95 based. I'm stoked. They look a hell of a lot better than Turboscience. But Turboscience has some upsides. It's got hilarious innuendo that should not be in a 8 year old kid game. Tee-hee-hee.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Look Happy, It's The End of The World

Mood: excited
So Jarrett's going to Ottawa for 3 months. He found himself a job there working just left (:P) of the Parliment Buildings. That means I won't see him until about July next year. I'm going to miss him, but he'll have fun. Which is good. He's missing out on Commencement though.

I'm leaving on August 8th or so. I just have to clear that with the host parents, and then let the travel agent know who's dealing with all our stuff.

Yesterday was fun. During B block I ended up crashing on the band room floor and taking a nap. Riley and Brendan showed up at school during lunch, so Steve and I hung out with them for lunch and C block. I wish I had known that they are as cool as they are last year. They're alot of fun. We sat around drinking Coke, Pixy Sticks and Nerds and that was one of my better spares.

Jarrett told me he was going to come to school today. So that'll be fun. :D

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Bar Mitzvah? Isn't that some sort of rock garden?

Mood: meh, confused and frustrated

Our computer's been killed by a trojan horse and Shaw won't do anything about it so I'm using the computer at the library in town while my parents left for an hour or two. Hence, I won't be online at all for a week or a few. So basically I've been reading, and wasting time. School's being a pain, and I can't wait to be out. The nice weather isn't exactly helping me want to sit in a boring classroom all day, so this has been a BIG test of my patience. On the other hand, I have a cd to listen to. I went out and bought Matthew Good Band's Underdogs cd from the local used cd store. I was planning on hanging out with Riley and going to Nanaimo today, but my mom said I should spend more time with the family. In my mom's speak, that means that she and my dad and sister go out and do something while the rest of us sit and home and do jack-all. Pfffft it sucks. I got an email from my host sister asking me if I was going to be in Finland on August 8th. Ahhhh! So I have to email Jannikka and check that out. In finnish. Ouch, this'll be a wee bit painful. Perhaps I might just email in broken finnish and pray she understands, and put a bit on english in there too. Damn it's hard.

Rob lost his license. He got 2 speeding tickets in a 5 month period, so his license has been revoked. Which sucks. We (Riley, Me and Rob) were going to see Van Helsing last night, but that kinda fell through due to the lack of Rob being able to drive, and our crappy bus system. And then today plans fell through due to the lack of parental support on my half. I am missing out on Mother's Day morning for work, but jeeze.

On the other hand, Shaw decided they won't fix our computer because we have an internal hub. I spent about 5 minutes on hold, and then another 10 talking to this guy about how he can't do anything. That was kind of a damper on my day. But I'm agoing to call them later and try to fix it up. I really don't like not having internet at home. It's....different.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Heh-heh-heh..."The Pit of....Really Dark"

Mood: indifferent

I wouldn't have laughed so hard if I hadn't known he was perfectly okay. He fell off of a roof onto a guy using a nail gun. Apparently he's making a full recovery.

My knee hurts. If I had some ibuprofen I'd take some but I don't carry it around with me anymore. Maybe it's from falling out of the shopping cart. Or being tackled in the hallway. Or biking alot. Meh. It's not a big deal.

I think I've become a whiny bitch. Maybe these past few days have just been shitting on me, but I've had a lot to complain about. I feel bad about it, because I only really bitch to Crystal, and I don't wanna just dump all my shit on her. So I apologize for being a whiny bitch. I'll try and keep my whining to a minimum on here, but if I need to get it out, I'll most likely put it here. If I ever start getting on your nerves, please tell me. I don't want to become an annoying whiny bitch. I loathe annoying whiny bitches and I would hate to be a hypocrite.

So I have Premiere tonight. My second to last performance as a KSS Music kid. I'm going to miss performing. That and a couple of people. I can't believe it's almost over. In a sense I don't want music to be over, because I enjoy it, but I'm looking forward to not being forced to go to school. Fuck I can't stand it sometimes. I dropped 10% in Math today, and I don't even care. I should and it bothers me that I don't, but I just don't care.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

"My bitching of the evening," or "There's nothing like people to ruin a perfectly good mood."

Mood: irritated

So my parents and sister get home from their walk after dinner, and my dad reems me out for turning on their computer and plugging the modem into the computer. Apparently he had unplugged the modem, and I plugged it back in again because I wanted on the internet. He mistakenly said the computer was unplugged, and called me a smart ass for correcting him. What the fuck. Sorry for being able to use a computer? Then he reems me out for Kirsten's not doing her part of the dishes. Because it's my fault that she left? Why am I the only one who gets yelled at when someone fucks up? Sometimes I really don't enjoy being the oldest. Sure it's nice sometimes, when I get to do things they can't, but I really can't stand it.

Rain, Sun and Vanilla Coke


I should be walking to the hotel to pick up paper work from my work experience stint, but alas, I really don't want to walk for 20 minutes in the rain right now, just to turn around and walk for an hour home. So, I decided playing on the computer and drinking Vanilla Coke was a better option. As of right now, it's decided to not rain, and the sky is nice and clear. I hate spring weather that does that. If it's going to rain, RAIN for crying out loud.

Speaking of crying out loud, band was pretty funny this morning. We were playing Kaddish, but I couldn't play two notes at the same time(they kept doing a little grace not thingy) so everyone decided to make fun of me. Apparently it was decided we'd start from the beginning again, but I didn't really notice due to the fact that Steve was distrating me yet again. So I played about 2 beats late. Except I was half the people playing and they laughed. I don't think I actually played it right the whole time, because I was doubled over laughing my ass off. Good ol' humour. Except Steve's been giving me hell for not knowing my part in Wedding Dance. For fuck's sake, I can't physcially move my arms and hands that fast. Fuck it's fast. Sure I could be working on it during my spare instead of playing with the computer, but jeeze, there's only so much one can do.

I ended up walking to the hotel after school, and I'm working tomorrow AM doing breakfast. Yay...2 hour shift=4 hours of pay :D I like bussing. It's alot of fun.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Praise the Lord, CSS has come.

So I made my own template. Or rather, I fixed the one on here. I like CSS. It makes everything SO much easier. Rather than putting in all those pain-in-the-ass font tags and /font tags and specifying every single pansy-ass detail, you just specify it at the top of the file and it changes it for you, provided you didn't fuck up the coding for it. For example, right click this page (provided you're using an ibm, for a mac, i think you ctrl+click) and press "view source". all the non-html coding in the style tag is CSS. I <3 CSS.

Heh, and I also made comments available too:). Thanks to you can put comments on pretty much whatever you want. Praise them too.

Bob the Builder...(Can We Fix It?)

The woman I babysit on Monday's for called me last night saying she didn't need me today. Then she called me about 5 minutes later, saying "oh yeah, come babysit from 10-noon". This is fine and dandy, it's not like I made plans anyways right? So I stayed up late figuring I could sleep until 9:30. Alas, the phone rings at 7:30 this morning, and she wants me to babysit at 8:20am. So I spent my day playing hide-and-seek, let's-not-get-scared-by-the-massive-german-shepard, and making necklaces. Oh, and watching Dora the Explorer, Berenstein Bears, and Bob the Builder. Consequently, I haven't gotten around to picking up my Heritage Inn stuff I was supposed to today. I'm not biking out there in the rain. Not today. I'm in a "let's-curl-up-with-a-cup-of-tea" mood.

I found a bass guitar in the paper today though:). I'm trying to figure out if I should buy it or not. It's $275, but I don't want to buy a crappy one. I'd have to buy an amp on top of that, and I don't want to waste money on a crap guitar. But hey, I'm seriously thinking about getting one. I could actually practice at home this way...and play after I leave school, and during the summer and stuff. Could be fun.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Numero Uno

I found this on Google, and I thought I might give it a try. Yes I know it's "cheating" but I figure this way I'll be able to put more pictures on my site with the extra room. I'm going to see if I can archive my other posts from my site. I can format the template and everything too, so it's pretty much like having my other one. Cept I have to figure out how to use this one. It's pretty simple, but it's a might tricky sometimes.

I went to Fire and Ice yesterday, and that was fun. Riley was supposed to be there, but he wasn't, so I hung out with Steve for a couple of hours. I also sold a crap load of chili cups, so that was okay. I got called in to work, and apparently my parents had booked a reservation, so THAT was interesting. Jeeze, I got stuck bussing their table. It wasn't that bad, but it's weird. So weird.

I've been working on playing bass. I really enjoy it. I find it alot more fun than any other instrument I've ever played. Ever. I loves it. Thanks to Steve for shoving it into my hands and telling me to play it. I appreciate it alot :D.