"My bitching of the evening," or "There's nothing like people to ruin a perfectly good mood."
Mood: irritated
So my parents and sister get home from their walk after dinner, and my dad reems me out for turning on their computer and plugging the modem into the computer. Apparently he had unplugged the modem, and I plugged it back in again because I wanted on the internet. He mistakenly said the computer was unplugged, and called me a smart ass for correcting him. What the fuck. Sorry for being able to use a computer? Then he reems me out for Kirsten's not doing her part of the dishes. Because it's my fault that she left? Why am I the only one who gets yelled at when someone fucks up? Sometimes I really don't enjoy being the oldest. Sure it's nice sometimes, when I get to do things they can't, but I really can't stand it.
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