Friday, May 28, 2004

Tread Softly, You're Walking On My Dreams

I saw Equilibrium last night. It's a fantastic movie. It's better if you've read 1984 and Brave New World. They ripped off quite a few of the main points from them. The T symbol, the emotion-numbing substances (Soma in BNW), the thought-police, the screens that brainwash people everywhere (1984)...Oh it's just gold. It's got some of the Matrix action like the scene in the first movie (I think) in the government office lobby, and the insane use of weapons. I hear it's also kind of like Minority Report in the sense that it's futuristic with "sense-offenders" and not in the fact that Minortiy Report sucked (or so I hear). Thanks to Jason for letting me know about it.

I like the whole Sci-Fi movie thing. At the movie store in town, they have a whole section dedicated to sci-fi, which is wicked. It makes it easier to find good movies. Which is nice.