Your Sparkling Spot Hasn't Caught On
My mind is fucked over. I can't think straight and I think it's because I haven't been using it lately. Why the fuck can't I just think a certain way? How can my mind just fuck me over when everything's going great? FFUUCCCKK!!!!*insert frustration*
My last band concert ever is tomorrow night. Do I know my music? Meh. Do I care? Meh. Am I glad it's over? To some extent. I'm going to miss the challenge to do something difficult, and I'm going to miss performing. And the teachers. I'm going to miss them alot. But I won't miss 98% of the people. I won't miss their annoying whiny voices, and stupid complaints about fucking everything. Wheee.
Most of them are leaving on the band trip next Wednesday. I'm looking forward to a week without certain individuals I really can't stand right now. That means the twat, the whore and the one I want to shoot are leaving. yay!:D
I took apart a cd drive today. Like, completely apart. I wanted to see what it looked like, and ended up taking it apart the whole way. I'm agoing to hang some of it on my bulletin board in my room. :D Wheeee. It's such a pretty colour of green.
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