Monday, May 31, 2004


Today was "Family Day" in town. Basically, there's a parade, and then some activies up at the rec fields for the kids and stuff. Up by the Civic Centre there was a marimba band. They made 6 marimbas themselves, and they play them which is cool. If you've ever heard Nagoya Marimba by Steve Reich (which I doubt you have) it's kinda like that. So I spent an hour or so listening to them, and then I checked out Qualicum Idol. Woot. Yeah, it got pretty hard to listen to them after a while. I really don't know how someone can listen to cheesy pop tunes being sung badly for a good 2 hours. Some of the kids were good, there were a couple of good old jazz tunes (think Ella Fitzgerald and Sinatra) but the majority...well I don't know how they made it to the finals.

I saw Ms.Lo in QF when I was buying some asparagus for dinner. She's still proud that I got up and went for dinner with her instead of waiting with "the diva's who said they could wait their turn". Lol she's great.

I ended up going to visit my Opa in the hospital yesterday with Oma, Oma Truce, and Tante Franz. That was cool. Oma Truce and Franz only know a little english, so they were speaking in dutch to my mom, who was attempting to speak dutch back and then translating for me. It was pretty funny, but a little awkward. My Opa's doing pretty good. They're just running some more tests and stuff before he's allowed to come home.