Saturday, September 11, 2004

Three Words: Garage. LAN. Party.

This evening I went out with some friends. They came by my place on their bikes, and we biked out to Koma's place, and then decided to go hang out at this guy's place where a bunch of people were. So we hopped on the bus and went there. We walked into the garage where they hang out, and I was like...Whoa. Holy crap. I thought it was going to be a couple people hanging out eating food, drinking drinks, looking at a thing in bag....Hah. Au Contraire. 8 computers, 7 guys, Counterstrike. Woot. It was insane, I totally wasn't expecting it, and I had alot of fun. It was wicked cool. We cranked some decent music and just hung out for a couple hours.

Heh. Let's play a game. My family isn't allowed to play, I already told them sort of. This game is called....

Guess Meagan's New Hair Colour(s)!!!!
Guess what colour(s) Annina and I dyed my hair today, and I'll give you a prize. I'll give you a hint. One colour is.....not a colour I've dyed my hair before. Ever. And it's wicked cool looking. It's uber sweet.

oops! He Did It Again.