Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Ach! Mein Hobby!

Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!!

Ach, German. Alas, it's hard. I'm getting some help from Tiia, although it's tricky. I'm kinda messing up german, english, french and finnish. It's fun, but I still have alot of trouble understanding what exactly is going on. Ah well...

I had cooking class at Hakkari today. Wooot was that fun....Two of the girls in my group are in my textiles class too so that was great fun. We found out there are people from 5 different countires in that class. There's a guy from Spain, a guy from Israel, a girl from Sweden, people from Finland (suprisingly?) and then me from Canada. Woot.

I got mail from my parents yesterday:) Chocolate chips, english magazine, and bank forms. I love you!!! Canadian chocolate is strikingly different. It's ..I dunno. It's awesome. It's been the source of amusement at home for a while. That and Anton speaking random words in english, like yes yes's cute. I'm going to have to make chocolate chip pancakes soon, and maple syrup...Mmmm...