Wednesday, July 28, 2004

"Curious...very curious..."

Apparently I've missed a boat here. I know I'm not usually the person who picks up on everything, but I've missed a substantial aspect to a friend's personality. Maybe it was just hidden from me or something, but apparently one of my friends has been a bitch to me behind my back. First of all, say it to my face. I'm pretty sure I can take it; I've pretty much heard it all. Secondly, ouch. I try not to make judgemental comments about people because I'm not exactly one to judge, but what the fuck. I didn't comment on anything this person has done no matter of my opinion on it, why can't they just do the same? Is it really that hard to just keep your mouth shut? I don't get it. I totally don't understand. You can have all the opinions you want ( I certainly do) but I don't want to have to hear about them through other people. Tell me if you have a problem with something I'm doing. I'm not opposed to hearing your opinion on a subject, but I don't want to find out through the grapevine.
Uh, in other news, name the title of the movie that the title of this post comes from, and the character that says it. I'll give you...uhmm....10 points.